
Roller conveyor roller conveyors

Roller conveyor structure is dominated by the drive roller, rack , bracket, drive unit and other departments . Line body material into the form of : aluminum structure , steel

structure, stainless Metal detector for food steel structure. Roller material is divided into : metal drum ( carbon steel and stainless steel ) , plastic rollers, etc. . Roller Conveyor

With throughput , fast, running light, to achieve multi-species collinear shunt transport characteristics. food conveyor fit for a variety of items into continuous conveyor ,

backlog , sorting , packaging and other needs , are widely used in electronics, automobiles, tractors , motorcycles, light

Workers, household appliances, chemicals , food, telecommunications and other industries . Roller conveyors together for the bottom is flat items , bulk materials , small items

or items to be irregular or working inside on the tray conveyor . Capable of handling a large piece weight materials , or withstand greater impact loads

. Roller conveyor structure, can be divided by drive power roller conveyors, power roller conveyor, accumulation roller conveyor . Press the line body can be divided into

horizontal roller conveyor, inclined roller conveyor and turning roller conveyor .

